PinnedThe Options Day Trade 19, 20211Apr 19, 20211
PinnedThinking out loud about the pure and simple #MarketTiming with the NYMO/NYSI and Stocks, ETFsThe stock market either goes up or goes down, taking its stocks and ETFs with it. And yet It is amazing how difficult it is to recognize…Oct 25, 20232Oct 25, 20232
PinnedPublished inInsiderFinance WireCurrency, a vote by the world on your country every dayQuestion: Can Obama/Biden repair 20 years of Republican decline?May 30, 2022May 30, 2022
PinnedRally with the leveraged ETFs?The market, and its stocks, either goes up or it goes down. It is amazing how difficult it is to recognize that simplicity.Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
Haven’t talked about her much lately but me and Miss UVXY, the wedgie queen, have been dating a…THE UVXY STRATEGY9h ago29h ago2
Published inInsiderFinance WireWith a #WatchList and the #SimpleOptionsDayTrade strategy there’s sometimes a 250% winner somewhereMichael PetryniJan 171Jan 171
#MarketTiming with the NYMO/NYSI and Stocks, ETFs on Today’s buy signal — 1/6/2024The stock market either goes up or goes down, taking its stocks and ETFs with it. And yet It is amazing how difficult it is to recognize…Jan 61Jan 61
Published inInsiderFinance WireAnd the beat goes on as the $SPY PUT puts on another 100% gain with the #SimpleOptionsDayTrade…They say buying options is a “fool’s game” and day trading options is impossible. So let’s say right off — they are wrong about that.Dec 20, 20241Dec 20, 20241