Actually you are being negative.
When I first introduced this simple strategy I titled the blog entry as "I told a guy how to make 100% day trading options and I doubt he believes me." You can look it up. That has been been read more times than anything I've submitted here.
And guess what? Almost all of those readers still doubt it. And obviously you do too.
This is a simple strategy but the strikes and the expiration change every day making accurate back tests very, very difficult (I have told others, virtually impossible) unless one does it manually as the data is collected.
I have collected and applied that data for every six months for every 0DTE ITM calls and puts day trading as automated by TradeStation.
I'm not going to reveal the total profits. That's my business and besides they are so fantastical all those who doubt from day one, which is to say, nearly everyone, are never going to believe the final results.
You want a back test? Go do it for yourself. I would appreciate it if you would let me know how that goes.