It's a 1 min time frame on SPY, two minutes into the day to start, or whenever it triggers. Nearest ITM strikes, ODTE.
I may have started with 2 min on SPY but somewhere along the way I tightened it up months ago but can't quite remember exactly when. There were differences but not that much.
Forget stocks. Don't trade those options except on special occasions. The process is the same but one has to specialize in stocks to do it, and there are really only four consistently worthwhile stocks-- AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, META--because of strikes available and tighter spreads. But why bother with stocks when there is SPY and QQQ to play with?
Can end up going both ways during day. The reversal off the initial buy, say from calls to puts, are some of the most profitable trades.
I usually use the end of the day results for the Broken Records Options so you can look up the dates and strikes in the text and charts there. The exception being if I post 100% or more on Twitter to let everyone know that 100% is locked, but it is not always the final result for the day trade when it keep right on going up.
Good luck.