Simplify, simplify, simplify.
I'm not marketing anything, just recording a personal journal of day trading and swinging results. and sometimes commenting on the long term.
In day trading options: If the strike is above its open, buy the call, if below buy the put. I prefer the nearest in the money strike for the day. How deep one goes in the money or how much risk wants to accept out of the money is up to the individual trader. Pick you own stop. A reversal back through the open is the obvious risk, a new low for the day if one can tolerate more risk. The results I post are based a low of the day stop unless I say otherwise (like locking in the 100% gains).
Nearly everyone who wanders into this strategy wants to doubt. Okay, that's what started me going public for the fun of it (this is not investment advice, merely trading entertainment), but the doubts remain.
Thanks for giving me the head-clearing opportunity to say again what I've said so often before.